About Me

Hi folks!

IMG_E5076This is Abbhinav. Yes, you read that right – there are two B’s in my name! Stay on, and someday I’ll tell you the story of how that happened. 😉

Professionally, I’m a Research Assistant (RA) at Stanford University. I did my BTech and MS by research from the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H). For more about my research, visit my professional website.

I’m a fan of stories and am currently developing the outline of my first book (fingers crossed xP). I also dabble in a bit of poetry from time to time.

I’m a very active person and enjoy staying fit. Swimming, Running, Gymming and Table Tennis are amongst my passions. I relish challenges and pushing the threshold of what I can do.

This is my personal blog, and hopefully, you’ll find a bit of soul and life in it. 🙂


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